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What does twining mean?

Twinen is the digital listening Finch

On Twitter Many people write what they are doing, what they do, etc. You can often read this back as an anonymous user (because most people have their profile open to everyone). This can be described as listening finches, which created the word Twinen.

See below for Twitter messages with the text twining.

What is Good Friday?

Good Friday is a Christian holiday

Good Friday is Friday before Easter, and the day before is white Thursday. On this day, church services commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. The bells do not ring before commencement of the service, as a sign of mourning. Good Friday is well named because the Christians believe that Christ's voluntary death meant that God cared about human suffering and took it upon himself. Professed Roman Catholics do not eat meat on this day.

Images about Good Friday

What does CBS mean?

CBS means Central Statistical office

The task of CBS is to collect and edit data for the purpose of publishing statistics for the purposes of practice, policy and science. Besides the responsibility for the national (official) statistics, CBS is also responsible for the production of European (community) statistics. The information provided by CBS differs from macro-economic data, to household information. The goal of the CBS is ultimately to reduce the administration burden. Annually, CBS also holds survey ยช TES among consumers and companies to keep the information that one has as current as possible. More information can be found on the website.

What does CPB mean?

CPB stands for Central Planning Bureau, an advisory body for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. CPB has access to confidential policy information and can therefore assess the policy measures envisaged in the Cabinet. The Central Planning Bureau was established with the later Nobel Prize winner Jan Tinbergen as first director. Although the name of the agency suggests this, CPB does not (economic) planning. That would not fit into the market economy that is the Netherlands.

CPB Website.

What does PhpBB mean?

PhpBB is free (open source) forum software that uses PHP and MySQL. Users do not have to be online at the same time to communicate with each other. You simply leave a message on which another user can respond again. Because phpBB is free and everyone can do what it wants, there is a fanatical group of phpBB users who want to provide other help and customizations. There are several support sites that provide information, translations and help. In addition to support, styles and customizations (modifications) are also made that are available to everyone.

What does CBP mean?

CBP means College protection personal data

CBP was formerly called the Registration Room. CBP supervises compliance with laws governing the use of personal data. The CBP therefore supervises the compliance and application of the Data Protection Act (WBP), the Police Data Law (WPG) and the Law on Municipal Administration (GBA). CBP must be notified of the use of personal data, unless an exemption applies. Read more about CBP here.