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What does LNP mean?

LNP means rural new portal

The LNP Foundation has as participants project developers, developing builders, housing corporations, investors, municipalities and the Industry Associations Neprom Award and NVB. More than 100 subscribers have now published the data of their new homes directly on, which means that about 70% of the new housing in the Netherlands is

What does PSU mean?

PSU comes from the computer world and is there the abbreviation for Power Supply Unit. So it is the power supply of a computer system. It converts the 220v mains voltage into the 12, 5 or 3 volt voltages with which the computer parts work. The power supply is connected to the main board, the hard drive, the DVD drives, video card, processor, ect. External devices (monitor, printer, scanner, etc.) usually do not receive power from the power supply, but they need power through a power outlet.

Also soldiers use the abbreviation PSU, in that case one is about a personal standard equipment.

What does PSU mean?

PSU comes from the computer world and is there the abbreviation for Power Supply Unit. So it is the power supply of a computer system. It converts the 220v mains voltage into the 12, 5 or 3 volt voltages with which the computer parts work. The power supply is connected to the main board, the hard drive, the DVD drives, video card, processor, ect. External devices (monitor, printer, scanner, etc.) usually do not receive power from the power supply, but they need power through a power outlet. Also soldiers use the abbreviation PSU, in that case one is about a personal standard equipment.

What does IAD mean?

IAD means Iterative Application Development

IAD is a softwareontwikkelmethode that sees users and designers as equal partners. IAD does this by dividing a project in small increments, and these parts are developed independently. Each separate part is a pilot, and the various pilots are joined together in the import of the entire project. Because they are all small parts, adjustments can be made quickly, and small part solutions are quickly seen.

A second possible meaning of IAD is: Internet Address detectors. These make it easy for users of MacOS8 to take action on the basis of Internet addresses in documents through An appearing Contextual Menu.

What does Flora mean?

Flora means: Plant rich in a certain region or period, and descends from the Roman goddess of flowers (and spring). Basically, a flora describes the wild plants of a particular area, or a particular selection of those plants. Sometimes the word is also used for reference works describing cultivated plants, but that is an exception. The forerunners of the modern Flora's are the herb books.