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What is newsjacking?

Newsjacking is picking up on the news

Newsjacking is very quick to pick up on current events, this may be a news item, but also a running sporting event or other local events. In The Netherlands, Heineken is a company that often uses the news and is often used by Facebook and newspaper advertisements. Although many events are known in advance, and it is not really newsjacking, they often fall under this denominator Read More

What does Failwhale mean?

Failwhale is the Twitter error page

Twitter was regularly offline in the past by a too large amount of users who would like to use the service at the same time. The page you saw then was a whale that was lifted by birds from the water: This is the Failwhale. Meanwhile, many improvements have been made to the platform, but it still occurs that the servers are out (especially during upgrades or major events). The Failwhale has become a household name and is also often used if another site doesn't do it anymore. Failwhale images from Flickr

What does TCD mean?

TCD means Telecommerce days

The TCD is every year sometime in late April and actually consists of the following three events:

  • Home Shop Tradeshow
  • Customer Contact Trade Fair
  • Dialogue Marketing Trade Fair

It is a trade fair (the largest in the Benelux) in various areas that are all related to telecom. An impression of TCD 2009