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What is newsjacking?

Newsjacking is picking up on the news

Newsjacking is very quick to pick up on current events, this may be a news item, but also a running sporting event or other local events. In The Netherlands, Heineken is a company that often uses the news and is often used by Facebook and newspaper advertisements. Although many events are known in advance, and it is not really newsjacking, they often fall under this denominator Read More

What does SLA mean?

SLA means Service Level Agreement

When hiring services, a lettuce is also often closed. A SLA is a contract between the supplier and the customer in which conditions and the quality of the offered service are mentioned. Because a SLA has been agreed with the quality requirements, it can be determined whether the service meets the agreed agreement. If this is not the case, it is possible to agree a fine clause, or if the requirements are not met, it may also be a sign that more investment should be made in the product or service. Read More