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What does FPV mean?

FPV means First Person View

FPV is a technique used to watch from the ground what you would see from a flying object when you were sitting on it. You can think of drones. When the drone has FPV, you can see (often on your phone) what the drone sees. With a combination of camera, video, transmitter and receiver and a monitor or glasses you can see exactly where your drone is going. Read More

What does BCC mean?

BCC means Blind Carbon Copy

BCC means blind copy and is used when sending an email. With the receivers it is often possible to also fill in a BCC receiver field. When you use the Bcc field, it means that the normal recipients of the e-mail cannot see the BCC email addresses. It seems as if the people in the BCC field do not receive the mail, from a privacy point of view it is good to do so. Also to reduce unwanted mail it is useful to use Bcc: reply to all or reply to all has no effect on the Bcc people. In business, BCC is often used if the recipient is not allowed to know that the message is also sent to others.

What does EOM mean?

EOM means End Of Message

EOM (or better yet (EOM)/<eom>) is used to indicate that the message is not larger.</eom> It is used on Twitter and in MSN and SMS messages, but it can also be used in the e-mail. If you put EOM in the subject of an e-mail message, the recipient knows that the rest of the message does not need to be read. So it is useful for small messages.