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What does CVE mean?

In the field of cybersecurity, CVE stands for “Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures”. CVE is a dictionary of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures that are identified, named and tracked by the CVE program. The purpose of CVE is to provide a standardized naming convention and a centralized database of vulnerabilities found in software and hardware systems. By using CVE identifiers, organizations and security researchers can more easily share information about vulnerabilities and take steps to mitigate the associated risks. The CVE system is maintained by the MITRE Corporation, a nonprofit organization that operates research and development centers for the US government.

What does GDPR mean?

GDPR means General Data Protection Regulation

The new European Data protection legislation (or, as it is called in the Netherlands, the general regulation on data security, AVG), will be in effect from 2018, which affects all organisations working with sensitive data. The law has been developed because the EU wants to create a clear and secure digital environment. The idea is to protect the citizens against data loss and theft by forcing the organization that processes this data to handle it cautiously. Read More