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What does Itil mean?

ITIL means Information Technology Infrastructure Library

ITIL consists of a collection of expert recommendations and describes processes, this description is independent of the organizational structure. ITIL is a collection of best practices that can improve the way it works, but it is a tool like any other tool: Success depends on the one who uses it, and is not guaranteed. With ITIL, there is a frame of reference for organizing the management processes within an ICT organisation. There are many different books and courses about ITIL that can help the organization to improve the management processes.

What does NPB mean?

NPB means Dutch Police Federation

Anyone who works for the Dutch police can join the NPB. The NPB has as its starting point its members but also the special position of the police in a democratic constitutional state. Hundreds of volunteers are committed to the NPB, and about 30 paid people, who form the work organisation of the NPB. The work organisation is controlled by the head and Dagelijksbestuur. The main board consists inter alia From 3 professional drivers and meet each month for consultation. The NPB offers courses to the members and has a number of targeted advisory bodies. More information can be found on the website of the Police Association.

What is a condom?

A condom is a contraceptive

A condom is an elastic rubber/latex case that is used to absorb sperm (and prevent unplanned pregnancies). In addition the physical contact between the partners prevents as protection from SOAs. Nowadays there are many different types of condoms with specific properties (ridges, flavors, different sizes, or a narcotic to keep it longer). Condoms are a medical device but are also often used for pleasure.

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What does FUP mean?

FUP means Fair Use Policy

A FUP often applies when using an Internet connection. You may download it, but it should not be done constantly so that other users are bothered by it: it is therefore not allowed to be extremely much data user. What happens when the FUP is violated varies by contract, it may be that no data traffic is possible at all, or that an additional account is coming. Because Fair Use is rather opaque, you don't know as a user when you are violating it.

What does FUP mean?

FUP means Fair Use Policy

A FUP often applies when using an Internet connection. You may download it, but it should not be done constantly so that other users are bothered by it: it is therefore not allowed to be extremely much data user. What happens when the FUP is violated varies by contract, it may be that no data traffic is possible at all, or that an additional account is coming. Because Fair Use is rather opaque, you don't know as a user when you are violating it.

What does BSOD mean?

BSOD means Blue Screen Of Death

This blue screen of death is a notification of the Microsoft Windows operating system if something has gone wrong (and what is not automatic restore). The screen consists of a blue background with white text. BSOD is not a official denomination but is by the frequent occurrence and severity of the error so appointed. Most memorable is the BSOD that occurred during a Plug and Play demonstration of Windows98. The only solution is often a restart of the computer.

Windows 98 Blue screen of Death [YouTube] TGLhuF3L48U [/youtube]

Many people make a picture when there is a BSOD in a public place to see, so here some pictures

What does BSOD mean?

BSOD means Blue Screen Of Death

This blue screen of death is a notification of the Microsoft Windows operating system if something has gone wrong (and what is not automatic restore). The screen consists of a blue background with white text. BSOD is not a official denomination but is by the frequent occurrence and severity of the error so appointed. Most memorable is the BSOD that occurred during a Plug and Play demonstration of Windows98. The only solution is often a restart of the computer. Windows 98 Blue screen of Death [YouTube] TGLhuF3L48U [/youtube] Many people make a picture when there is a BSOD in a public place to see, so what pictures

What does SOA mean?

SOA means sexually transmitted disease

An STI is not always serious, some STIs are harmless and have no major consequences. Other STI are, however, and can have serious consequences if they are not treated on time. Possible consequences of an STI are, for example, infertility, but you can also die. Common STIs are: Chlamydia, genital warts, syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, etc. An STI is contagious and is transmitted to another person through blood, semen, vaginal fluid and contact of mucous membranes. It is therefore not strange that most STIs are insecure. It is bored to have to ask yourself after a pleasant night whether that itch comes from an STI the next morning or that it is just a coincidence. Or that you have a burning sensation when urinating, or warts in your genitals: common symptoms of an STI. But do you have to go to a doctor, and that embarrassing phone call to arrange an appointment? Many people do not want to do this and let it be with the thought: it goes without saying. For 2 common STIs (Chlamydia and gonorrhea) You can also get started yourself, with the tests of It is not only important for yourself to know if you have an STI, even for other people you could infect. So whether you're testing it through a doctor or yourself online and quickly, that doesn't matter, but it's important for everyone's health that you know what you're infected with or not. Of course there are also ways not to run an STI, but they are either not fun or are forgotten at the right time. More information about SOA can be found on the website of Sense.

What is household furniture?

Furniture is everything that is in a house

There is no clear definition, but rudely, the contents are everything that is in a building (house, barn) and not attached to the building (so if it can be removed without demolition, it is the furniture). The problem in the definition is that wallpaper and tiling is also covered by household furniture, while there is still a demolition work. You will be dealing with the contents when you have a house and you will close a household insurance. You can insure yourself for theft and damage to the contents.

What does stretch marks mean?

Stretch marks means pregnancy marks

Stretch marks are skin abnormalities that occur when the subcutaneous connective tissue is pulled apart (rapid growth through pregnancy, adolescents that grow too fast). The stretch marks themselves is not serious, but it is not pretty, and so really only a cosmetic problem. In the beginning stage, stretch marks look like parallel-running red lines, over time becomes that red color beige or skin colored (this process can last for years). In the market, cremes and lotions are available to try to prevent it and also there are laser treatments to work it away.