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What does GGD mean?

GGD means municipal health service

Sometimes the first G also stands for the regional or the common. Utrecht uses the name GG & GD. The third G refers to medical doctor. GGD Nederland is the organization in which all GGD'en are united. From GGD Nederland, in consultation with all the individual GGD'en gelobbied towards politics. It also carries out projects that produce products that each GGD can take advantage of. More information can be found on the website of the GGD.

What does Midi mean?

MIDI means Musical Instrumental Digital Interface

It is actually a collection of appointments, how a musical instrument can communicate with a computer or other musical instrument. It is a kind of electronic notation. How the sound eventually sounds depends on the synthesizer used. Many MIDI files can be found on the Internet. Because MIDI files consist of commands, they are also relatively easy to edit.

Understanding MIDI/understanding Samplers and Sampling

What does SAaS mean?

SAaS means Software As a Service

Software as a service (SaaS) is a service in which a software application is offered over the internet instead of software that is installed on a PC or a server ¯. Often the service is paid per month, and then depends on the use or the number of users. The advantage is that you are always paid for use and always work with the latest version. This can provide a lot of cost advantage and bypass installation problems.

Software as a Service overv

What does demography mean?

Demographics mean population description

Demography comes from the Greek words demos (people) and Graphoo (describe). Demography is thus describing the population. With demography you are talking about the study of the population, or a population group: not only the statistical data as the number of births and gender, but also the composition of interests and characteristics. For the creation of (AD) campaigns, one also often assumes a certain demographics: for example, only women between the age of 20 and 40 want to speak with Tattoes.

What does JSF mean?

JSF means Joint Strike Fighter

The JSF program has been launched to replace the combat devices with a new next-generation combat device. There was some battle between Boeing (X-32) and Lockheed Martin (X-35), and the winner of this fight has become Lockheen Martin, and the JSF is actually the Lockheed Martin JSF F-35 Lightning II. Read news about the JSF at Jsfnieuws

F-35 JSF Tribute