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What is newsjacking?

Newsjacking is picking up on the news

Newsjacking is very quick to pick up on current events, this may be a news item, but also a running sporting event or other local events. In The Netherlands, Heineken is a company that often uses the news and is often used by Facebook and newspaper advertisements. Although many events are known in advance, and it is not really newsjacking, they often fall under this denominator Read More

What does IFA mean?

IFA means international Funkausstellung

The IFA is a media and entertainment fair in Berlin which is held every two years. The aim is to show consumers and manufacturers the latest developments in the field of media, information provision and entertainment. This largest consumer electronics fair has more than 250,000 visitors, more than 1,000 exhibitors and more than 2 billion euros of orders placed. For current information about the IFA, go to the official website. YouTube W0aIqd2_V-A [/youtube]