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Build Loyalty in Your Company

Good employees are the backbone of every company. However, changing times and a stricter economy has made retaining them a tall order. Companies are waging salary wars, and head-hunting is an accepted norm. The companies with higher offers often get their men, but it’s not always the case. Cultivate loyalty in your employees, and you’ll find out that it’s not always about the money.

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Best Tips in Boosting Your Business’ Customer Retention

The core of any business is selling products/services to its customers, both new and current. While companies need to attract new customers consistently, it’s just as vital to retain current customers and have them continue doing business with you. Not only does customer retention guarantee that your business stays afloat, but it also contributes to attracting potential customers — customer retention gives the impression of consistent customer satisfaction, which can be a major deciding factor for potential customers when choosing which brand/business to purchase certain products/services from.
As such, we’ll be taking a look at different tips on how your business can improve its customer retention and subsequently boost your business:

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