Scrum is a software development method
Although scrum is mainly used in software development, it can also be used for the production of other products. The Scrum method means that the development teams of a project are to a large extent self-steering. Performance is measured every day (without taking into account predefined steps). The daily work consultation (Scrum meeting) is an important part of the method. With scrum, a project is divided into sprints: iterations of 2 to 3 weeks, after each sprint the customer is presented with a working end product that meets predetermined quality. In a scrum project, the scope is variable, but the lead time is not. The client is closely involved in a scrum project and is often present in planning and evaluation sessions. Because of this presence, and the working end products, the involvement is high and there is a lot of grip on the progress of the project. Find out more about scrum, order your scrum books here.
Scrum Master in Under 10 minutes [YouTube] Q5k7a9YEoUI [/youtube]