ABP means General Civil Pension Fund
One often speaks about the ABP, but it is actually: Stichting pension fund ABP and it is the pension fund for the people who work in government and in education. It is the largest pension fund in the Netherlands, totalling over 2 million people. More than 500 thousand people receive pensions and that costs the ABP more than 5 billion a year. Halfway 2010, the ABP had a power of more than 210 billion, making it ABP the second largest pension fund in the world. The head office of the ABP is located in Heerlen, and the ABP has 5 spearheads:
- Achieving a sustainable pension system
- Maintaining a broad risk faceplate
- Further growth towards a ‘ participant-oriented pension fund ‘
- More than retiring only
- Development of the professional organisation
More information about the ABP can be found on the website of the ABP. ABP loses billions of pension money on the stock market [YouTube] Sr6GZ80PkSI [/youtube]