ZZF means rare Diseases fund
The rare Disease Fund was founded in 2005 when the founder Charles Rahman was dealing with someone from the immediate environment who suffered from a rare disease. For the pharmaceutical industry it is not interesting to develop medicines or to do research (too small group of patients). The ZZF finds it unacceptable that there is little consideration and means for the fight against these diseases. From the government and various funds millions are available for research into the more known diseases, but the rare disease is often not addressed for this money. When less than 1 in 2,000 people have a certain condition, this condition is classified as a rare disease. It is not always an unknown disease, it can also be a very specific type of cancer: all cancers that children suffer are rare diseases. The ZZF struggles to show society that research and good medical care are necessary. By collecting money, more research can be done, but money is also spent to bring people into contact with a rare disease so that experiences can be exchanged and one can support each other.
Child better, Commercial rare Diseases Fund [YouTube] FIJ5XmGsgeg [/youtube]