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What does VCCS mean?

VCCS means Vincent Container cleaning Service

VCCS is a company that has specialized in cleaning GFT and residual waste containers (Kliko's). They do this for private individuals but also companies and municipalities throughout the Netherlands. The containers are hosed under very high pressure with clean water, the dirty water is taken with the same vehicle that is cleaning again.

What does fasting mean?

Fasting means remembering all or part of food or drink

Many religions and cultures know (a form of) as a way to clean the internal man, get in balance and build discipline. Animals and children also often find that when they do not feel completely comfortable, they stop eating: a natural phenomenon that allows the digestive organs to rest, so that the body can focus on fighting the disease. Read More

What is scrum?

Scrum is a software development method

Although scrum is mainly used in software development, it can also be used for the production of other products. The Scrum method means that the development teams of a project are to a large extent self-steering. Performance is measured every day (without taking into account predefined steps). The daily work consultation (Scrum meeting) is an important part of the method. Read More

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine

In the 18th century, Samuel Hahnemann started the alternative medicine. A homeopathic treatment uses extreme dilutions of substances that evoke the same symptoms as the ailment that one wants to fight. This medicine is not supported by scientific evidence: the dilution makes almost every drug inactive. Homeopathy is counted as pseudo sciences. Read More

What does VSN mean?

VSN means Association of Muscle Diseases Netherlands

The VSN occurs for people with a muscular disease, where the purpose of the VSN is better quality of care and effective scientific research. In addition, the VSN has been in place since 1967 for good information and data (not only for people who have a muscular disease, but also for doctors and professional care workers). Members within the association play an important role: Many Members are active volunteers. Due to the close cooperation with professionals, bottlenecks in care and support can be identified and solved. Read More

What does BBL mean?

BBL means BeroepsBegeleidende Apprenticeship

BBL is a combination of working and learning, with 1 day in the week at school and 4 days at work at a company. Theory and guidance is given at school and the practical experience is gained from the company. The apprenticeship is a form of MBO and was called Apprenticeship until 1997. The duration of the training depends on the inflow level and usually lasts two years. Read More

What does WYSIWYG mean?

WYSIWYG means what you See Is what you Get

WYSIWYG is an English term in computer land, and is the abbreviation for: you get what you see. When you create a document in Microsoft Word, it looks the same on the screen than the printed version (if it is good at least). If a text is bold on the screen, that is also the case on paper. With the advent of CMS systems for publishing websites, the term WYSIWYG has become commonplace.