A protagonist is a main character
In The Netherlands, we generally just have a leading player/protagonist, or the protagonist of the film, the book. The opposing actor of a protagonist is an antagonist.
In The Netherlands, we generally just have a leading player/protagonist, or the protagonist of the film, the book. The opposing actor of a protagonist is an antagonist.
Bauxite consists of a large part of aluminium oxide. It also contains compounds of titanium, iron and silicon (the compounds depend on the origin). It owes its name to the village where it was first discovered in the 19th century (Les Baux-de-Provence). Bauxite is processed into aluminium.
Bauxite Capping
H1N1 is a flu virus that contains a combination of 3 viruses. It is not a pure human virus. In addition to parts of the human flu, H1N1 also contains parts of the swine flu and avian flu. The virus probably originated in Mexico. All flu viruses are also transmitted by birds and not, as is often thought, by pigs. Birds can surrender to pigs. Because pigs are easier to establish than in some birds, it is often assumed that pigs are at the root of the flu virus.
Annoyingly enough, the phenomena appear on the ordinary flu. So in the beginning it is difficult to determine whether you have an ordinary flu among the members or that you are actually infected with the H1N1 virus. The symptoms can vary from mild to very severe. The most important and common symptoms are:
Source: Human and health.
H1N1 (Swine Flu)
Every day when you wake up with a huge hangover you are again with the same question: How many beers do you actually have on? Of course you can count the caps, but your friends also throw them in of course, so that's tricky. You can also decide to count the next time how much you drink. But after another beer, you'll lose the count! Finally a solution that you have little to do. The Bear Tracker! This bottle opener has a built-in counter that keeps you up to the number of bottles you have opened
Order quickly those Beertracker
Bing.com is the new Microsoft Live Search. In the words of Microsoft itself:
It's a search experience with a brand new look that lets users find what they're looking for faster and easier. Bing delivers better results in the Netherlands than ever before and will develop further in the coming months into a richer search experience that will be used by more and more who are looking for your products and services.
A credit card is an officially recognised payment method provided by banks and credit card companies. In the Netherlands, credit cards are not yet used a lot, but they are becoming more and more normal. Especially in restaurants and hotels it is used extensively. The rise of the internet has also ensured that more people are in possession of a credit card because it is an easy way to make purchases online. With a cred Read More
A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and an employee. The employee is obliged to do work, and the employer is obliged to pay for it. This is enshrined in the Civil Code. This agreement may be written orally, in which the written version is the most predictable and also advisable (to prevent problems and ambiguities and to be demonstrable). An employee is always a physical/natural person, an employer does not have to be, that is often a legal entity (eg, membership, etc.). Read More
So it is a series of digits (and letters) that are unique in a particular setting. It is a random number based on a number of parameters. A Global Unique identifier (GUID) uses hardware information and the date and time of the generation. This results in a combination of numbers and letters that are unique throughout the world.
A Dutch translation could be user interface. It is a representation of the operation of a program/website/etc. It shows which actions are stuck, what happens when you press that one button, and what kind of information you get to see. Also in what way it is structured.
In plants, reactions can occur so that they can gain energy, which is called photosynthesis. It is a reaction that occurs mainly in the leaves under the influence of light. Photosynthesis is the process by which sunlight is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen (and glucose). The zuursstof is necessary for life on earth, and the glucose provides the energy in the plant. Plants are the beginnings of the food chain: the energy they contain is used by all organisms. In addition, photosynthesis is important in order to allow plants to absorb carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas: This creates a cleaner air.
Photosynthesis and chloroplasts granules [YouTube] OfKp55SKzoM [/youtube]
When you buy a new property it is usual to regularly pay part of the Bouwsom to the contractor/project developer. For new homes It is then customary to deposit the mortgage amount at the beginning of the construction in a construction depot.
This building depot is actually just a bank account which is made during the construction of the home payments. The difference with a normal account is that the payments take place at predetermined times (when completion milestones during construction). When the house (satisfactorily) is fully delivered the last term is paid.
In the case of a conversion, the amount of the deposit is dependent on the Bouwsom, the estimated value of the house, etc.
A construction depot has a maturity of up to 2 years, the interest that is reimbursed is equal to the mortgage rate.