Facebook is a social network site
Facebook is a network site for anyone who wants to (in the beginning it was only for American students, but since end 2006 it is actually available to everyone). Halfway 2011, 750 million people were already active on the network site. On the site you can indicate what you are doing, you can post pictures and videos and play games. In 2004, the site was founded by Mark Zuckerberg (then the Facebook) and the great strength of this virtual community seems to be in the public web-API, so that other companies can also place applications (especially games). In 2010, a film was even brought out, based on the story around the site. Every day, many people spend time playing games, posting messages and reading how they go with their friends. More and more companies are also setting up their own page where people can find information about the product. Facebook is almost synonymous with the ' like ' symbol that you encounter with many other sites, which you can use to indicate that you like this article.
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