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What does HTTP mean?

HTTP means Hypertext Transfer Protocol

The HTTP protocol is designed for transporting HTML files. It is used to get a page on the Internet from the Web server to the user (above you see if it is good also stand: Today's browsers take this for granted, and want http://to automatically filter out. The protocol determines which queries a client can make to the server, and which answers can be returned. In 1997, the HTTP standard jacked up to version 1.1. Read More

What is deeplinking?

Deep linking is hyperlinking to a section of a website

By creating a deeplink, a user is immediately directed to the right content (instead of To a meaningless home page). Search engines use deep links to determine the quality of a website (quality score), if there are many deep links, then it is an interesting site than the reasoning. A deeplink to this page is: In the past, there have been lawsuits to deep linking, because news sites In particular were not happy with the fact that people directly linked to an article (which caused them to miss a lot of ad revenues on the home page). Therefore, it is not allowed in all countries either.

What does WWW mean?

WWW means World Wide Web

In Dutch It is also called "Global Web". The WWW is a network of all kinds of information (text, image, video) created from the standard of the Internet, HTML. The WWW was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, then in the service of CERN in Geneva. The aim was to facilitate the exchange of information between scientists. Because it concerned many international people, one could not assume a standard computer, so the WWW has been independent from the outset. Read More