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Snail mail

What is snail mail?

Snail mail is slow post

Snail mail – named after the snail with its slow speed — refers to letters carried by conventional postal delivery services. The phrase refers to the lag-time between dispatch of a letter and its receipt, versus the virtually instantaneous dispatch and delivery of its electronic equivalent, e-mail.

It is also known, more neutrally, as paper mail, postal mail, land mail, or simply mail and post. Snail mail penfriends or penpals are those that communicate with one another through the postal system, rather than on the internet which has become the more common medium.

Source: Wikipedia

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What does DPI mean?

DPI means Deep Packet Inspection

At DPI, content is looked at the data transmitted over the network. If you send an old-fashioned handwritten letter, the postal company only looks at the envelope to see where it should go, if DPI is used, the letter itself will be read. A virus scanner and a Firewall also make Gebrbuik of DPI to check what happened on the computer or on the network. Read More