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What is a production company?

A production company is a company that produces

The term mainly comes from the television world, where it is a company that produces/creates programs. In The Netherlands We also use the term production house to make theatre performances, radio or TV programmes. In films one speaks more frequently about a production house. When creating a television programme, the direction and production are therefore at the production house, if the series is finished (or perhaps already during), the program will be tried to sell it to a broadcaster that can then broadcast it. In The Netherlands we have many different production houses, some are known. IDTV, EyeWorks, and Endemol. Read More

What is Napflix?

Napflix is a Netflix sleep

Netflix is a provider of series and movies, but Napflix is a kind of parody on it. It's a kind of Netflix but then with boring content, but that's right conscious. It's a streaming service to let you sleep, meant for people who often have trouble getting asleep. Napflix offers several soporific films that should help in getting asleep. Check out Read More