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What does FPV mean?

FPV means First Person View

FPV is a technique used to watch from the ground what you would see from a flying object when you were sitting on it. You can think of drones. When the drone has FPV, you can see (often on your phone) what the drone sees. With a combination of camera, video, transmitter and receiver and a monitor or glasses you can see exactly where your drone is going. Read More

What does LTE mean?

LTE means Long Term Evolution

LTE is the successor to the GSM and UMTS network, and is a technique used in 4g networks. The speed of LTE (up to 100 Mbps) makes it possible to stream movies. In the Netherlands a number of tests will be started in 2011, for now it is not yet available nationwide, this depends on several factors (number of devices that can work with LTE, enough applications, sufficient demand). Read More

What does domotics mean?

Domotics is technology integration in the home

Domotics is a word originating from Domus (house) and TICA (a derivative of informatics, telematics and robotics). It is the integration of technology (and services) for a better quality of living and living. So it is not only the technique, but also the service from outside the home. Domotics is most commonly used in kitchens and bathrooms and usually aim to increase comfort and ensure safety. Often these are alarm systems that are in contact with police or firefighters, or it is a way to use 1 (remote) control to do the lighting in the attic, or to allow the bath to run full.