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What is slamming?

Slamming is line hijacking

Slamming or line hijacking is the conversion of a telephone connection to another provider without your explicit permission. Another phone provider may not accept a subscription without permission, telephone providers have made arrangements to prevent this. If you get an offer by phone for another contract, beware because saying 1 time is enough to be stuck (a signature is not required). Most people only find that they have become victims of slamming when they receive the new invoice or a farewell letter from the old provider. Consumers have been better protected since 2014 because there is also a need for written confirmation, for business users that is not (yet) the case. It is not only annoying if you are suffering from slamming, by transferring fines or legal fees it can also be a decent cost item. So ask if someone is calling on behalf of a particular party or really as an employee of a telecom provider, and use the words Yes or no not. If you have become a victim, please contact the (new) provider as soon as possible and indicate that you do not want to call this provider and that there has been slamming. Read More

BT British Telecom

What does BT mean?

BT means British Telecommunications

BT is a holding company which owns British Telecommunications plc, a British multinational telecommunications services company with head offices in London, United KingdomIt has operations in around 180 countries.

BTs origins date back to the founding of the Electric Telegraph Company in 1846 which developed a nationwide communications network. In 1912, the General Post Office, a government department, became the monopoly telecoms supplier in the United Kingdom. The Post Office Act of 1969 led to the GPO becoming a public corporation. British Telecommunications, trading as British Telecom, was formed in 1980, and became independent of the Post Office in 1981. British Telecommunications was privatised in 1984, becoming British Telecommunications plc, with some 50 percent of its shares sold to investors. The Government sold its remaining stake in further share sales in 1991 and 1993. BT has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange, a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.

Source: Wikipedia

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What does Misco mean?

Misco means micro Computers supplies Company

Misco is a large provider of computer hardware and software, home entertainment, telecommunication and other similar articles. Since 1985, Misco has been a supplier for both the business market and the consumer market (for 2004 under the name 06 software). Misco is part of the global Systemax (with a turnover of $2 billion). For more information or an order, go to

What does SLA mean?

SLA means Service Level Agreement

When hiring services, a lettuce is also often closed. A SLA is a contract between the supplier and the customer in which conditions and the quality of the offered service are mentioned. Because a SLA has been agreed with the quality requirements, it can be determined whether the service meets the agreed agreement. If this is not the case, it is possible to agree a fine clause, or if the requirements are not met, it may also be a sign that more investment should be made in the product or service. Read More

What does OTA mean?

OTA means Over The Air

OTA is a way to replace software on mobile phones or satellite receivers. This makes an update to the software for the user a lot easier because it is simply offered. With no connection to a computer or cables, newer software can be installed. OTA is also used in the mobile phone world to automatically adjust preferred networks.

What does TCD mean?

TCD means Telecommerce days

The TCD is every year sometime in late April and actually consists of the following three events:

  • Home Shop Tradeshow
  • Customer Contact Trade Fair
  • Dialogue Marketing Trade Fair

It is a trade fair (the largest in the Benelux) in various areas that are all related to telecom. An impression of TCD 2009

What does GSM mean?

GSM means Global System for Mobile communication

The abbreviation GSM is an international standard for the use of mobile networks. It originated in the years 80 of the last century when a European working group began drafting a standard. Previously, the abbreviation was: Groupe Special Mobile, but in 1993 there were more than 36 different GSM networks, and the abbreviation was adjusted. Read More

What is Twitter?

Twitter is online chat in 140 characters

Twitter is a service/website that works a bit like MSN Messenger and SMS. You can say in 140 characters what you are doing at the moment, are reading, or are planning to go. So far it looks like SMS. All the people who follow you (in your friends list) see that message, and Kunen may respond to it (this is the comparison with MSN Messenger). You can enter these messages on the website, but there are also a lot of other tools that you can use to customize your status (Windows/Linux/Mac/Mobile/etc.). Read More

What does opt-out mean?

OPT-OUT is an unsubscribe request

An OPT-OUT request means you are unsubscribing for something. This usually occurs in email newsletters that you receive. Often, at the bottom of such a newsletter, there is a possibility to unsubscribe, sign out, or unregister. For domain names you can also opt-outen. Then it means that the address data does not emerge if one does a whois on the domain.