Professional development is a crucial part of any person’s career journey. Whether you are just starting out, transitioning to a new job, or looking to advance in your current position, professional development is essential to personal growth and career success. But what exactly is professional development? Here’s a breakdown of what it is and how it can help.
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What Are The Most Common Remote Work Security Risks?
Remote work has become common across various industries, mostly in response to the pandemic. In fact, 25% of all jobs across North America are expected to adopt varying degrees of remote work by the end of 2022.
Read MoreAutomation Worries — What Jobs are at Risk?
Robots are slowly taking over human jobs – but not the ones predicted by the media. New technology is changing the workplace – making a few social positions obsolete.
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Four Ways to Avoid Distractions at Work
Sometimes the place where we’re supposed to focus on work creates irritating distractions. Offices offer plenty of opportunities to become distracted, and if you cannot stay on task due to frequent interruptions then your workload drops and deadlines are missed. Distractions are not just an inconvenience; teammates and management will soon notice any drop in quality and quantity.
Read MoreImproving Your Company’s Procurement Process
Purchasing used to be the preferred term to refer to the process or department that handles a company’s supply chain. Each organization has a team that ensures that every material, supply, equipment, and services-from paper clips to flat-screen TVs to commercial cleaning supplies that are needed to run the business are available on time for employees to use to ensure delivery of products and services to end customers. In the 1960s, you have titles on business cards that read “Purchasing Manager.” Today, companies have Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs), and they typically form part of the executive leadership team that drives the corporate engine.
Read MoreWhat does PES mean?
PES means Pre-Employment Screening
Pre-employment screening refers to the process of investigating the backgrounds of potential employees and is commonly used to verify the accuracy of an applicant’s claims as well as to discover any possible criminal history, workers compensation claims, or employer sanctions. For example, CBC News of Canada reported that fraud in the workplace cost Canadian Businesses over $3.2 Billion in 2011.