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What does WWW mean?

WWW means World Wide Web

In Dutch It is also called "Global Web". The WWW is a network of all kinds of information (text, image, video) created from the standard of the Internet, HTML. The WWW was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, then in the service of CERN in Geneva. The aim was to facilitate the exchange of information between scientists. Because it concerned many international people, one could not assume a standard computer, so the WWW has been independent from the outset. Read More

What does DNS mean?

DNS means Domain Name System

DNS is a protocol that makes the translation of a domain name to a ipaddress on the Internet. This website has, for example, as IPAddress: but that is difficult to remember, so remember people: DNS is a distributed database that contains host and domain names and their associated IP addresses. DNS eliminates the need to maintain a list of IP addresses on each computer. Read More