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How to Make Your Food Packaging Stand Out

For many shoppers, packaging plays a significant role in how they perceive and select products. If you want to create effective packaging, here are some techniques that you should know.

Packaging affects consumer behavior. It can influence people to choose your product among a sea of others and eventually remember it for their next shopping trip. Hence, if you want your packaging to stand out on stores’ shelves, here are several design tips that you should take note of:

1. Simple is better than overdone

A packaging design doesn’t need to be over the top to be eye-catching. Overdone designs can make a product seem tacky and even suspicious.

Instead of going all out on packaging design, keep things simple. Use only a few colors, fonts, and graphics that are attractive to the eye and worthy of a second look. Otherwise, the design might overwhelm customers, and they might choose not to pick it up from the shelf to inspect it further. Moreover, most Utah packaging suppliers will quote simple packaging much cheaper.

2. Determine your target market

Who do you want to attract with your packaging? Are they families with children? Should they be young adults or perhaps senior citizens? Determine your target market and use packaging to aim your product towards that demographic. For example, bright colors and fun characters are useful for child-oriented products, while minimalist and classy designs are attractive to young adults.

3. Color matters

The psychology of colors states that red is the best color to induce appetite, which is why food companies like McDonald’s and Wendy’s have red as the primary color in their logos. Aside from red, the colors green and yellow are also used to make consumers hungry, as seen in the emblems of Subway and Starbucks.

When designing food packaging, choose your colors wisely. While red, green, and yellow are your best bets, combine them with other colors that can make your product stand out better.

4. Be honest

Consumers don’t like false advertising, so don’t embellish your packaging with pretenses that can give consumers the wrong expectations. Be honest with your product. For example, if you sell an orange juice mix, don’t put “100% pure orange juice” on the label. If consumers see that you’re lying, they will likely refuse to repurchase your product.

5. Image is everything

When people go shopping, they won’t spend too much time scanning the shelf and reading each product’s name or description. What they look at is the picture on the packaging. If you want to spark consumers’ interest with your packaging, use images that will draw their attention.

6. Tell consumers about your product

Some food products don’t require instructions because they can be consumed as is. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean you can’t put something meaningful on the back of your packaging. If you’re selling nacho chips, tell consumers how to use it for a nacho dish. Is your product a fruit juice? Include a snippet of why it’s good for your body. This way, consumers can gauge the value of your product and how they can use it, which can increase the chances of them buying it.

Making your product stand out on store shelves is not easy when there are so many competitors. However, you can readily compete by keeping these design tips in mind when creating your next packaging.

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