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What does Valentine mean?

Valentine is a sacred

Valentine comes from the Latin Valentinus and is celebrated on Valentines Day (February 14th). This is the day when lovers have extra attention to each other. Because of the growing commercials, this is increasingly done through cards, flowers, gifts, etc. Much more often, Valentines Day is also used to thank people, because they care for the dog during a holiday, or that they give the flowers water, etc..

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What does Google mean?

Google is a media company

Google is originally a search engine: you're looking for something on the internet and you use Google's intelligence for that. Google started in 1997 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin after having worked on the smart algorithms for a year or two. At that time, AltaVista was a big player in this market, but Google worked considerably better and faster and quickly took over the lead. In the meantime, the company is so well known that it has become a verb: googling something. The name is a corruption of the word ' googol ': a 1 with 100 zeros. Google is now much more than a search engine and has all kinds of apps, tools, Android phones, hardware, cloud services, full gsuite for companies, etc. Read More

What does RSS mean?

RSS means Really Simple syndication

RSS is an abbreviation, two of which are very similar: Really Simple syndication of Rich Site Summary. It is a way to display the content of your site in a structured way (without formatting). This is displayed by using XML. In This XML feed is often a title, a date, an author, a short description and a link to the full article. To read RSS files, separate software is required. RSS readers come in many types and flavors, paid and not paid for, for Linux, Macintosh and Windows.

[YouTube] 0klgLsSxGsU [/youtube]

What does NTSC mean?

The abbreviation stands for: National television Systems Committee, and is the color TV standard in America and Japan. Usually you don't get to do this, but if you've worked with video editing software at home, you'll encounter it. Often, if you want to render the movie or burn it to DVD you have to take this standard into account (you make it for yourself, then PAL is the right standard. Is it for a friend in America or Japan then you better use the NTSC standard).

What does PAL mean?

There are several things that carry the abbreviation PAL with them. The most famous is the one that has to do with the image you receive on the television: phase alternating Line. It is the colour television standard in most European countries. Usually you don't get to do this, but if you've worked with video editing software at home, you'll encounter it. Often, if you want to render the movie or burn it to DVD you have to take this standard into account (you make it for yourself, then PAL is the right standard. If it Is for a friend in America or Japan, you should use the NTSC standard.

What does SEO mean?

SEO means Search Engine optimization

In Dutch, it is also often referred to as search engine optimization or research engine marketing. It means that you share your website so that in certain words your site is found well in search engines like Google, Live search, Yahoo, etc. When SEO is applied well, your website can be higher in the search results (you first got on page 10, and now on page 1) so more people get to your website. Read More