Ergonomics means adjusting the environment to humans
Ergonomics covers the whole daily life but is especially known in situations on the work floor, it comes from the (Greek) words: Ergon (work) and Nomos (law). It must ensure that the health and safety of workers is ensured. There are basically three types of ergonomics:
- Physical ergonomics (think here of the work posture, repetitive movements, workplace design, safety, etc.);
- Cognitive ergonomics (think of memory, human-computer interaction, stress, mental workload, deciding, etc.);
- Organisational ergonomics (think of communication, teamwork, teleworking, quality assurance, etc.).
When it comes to muscles, there is still a distinction between static and dynamic work. In static work, muscles are constantly taxed and fatigued quickly. This tax leads in the long term to a disregulation of the muscles and nerves. In dynamic work, the muscles are stretched and relaxed alternately. Dynamic work promotes blood circulation, but is a somewhat large strain on the joints.
Ergonomics at work [YouTube] 7-ybWlRyv70 [/youtube]
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