Daylight saving time is one hour beyond standard Time
Within the EU, the summer time of the last Sunday in March is up to the last Sunday in October. In Summer, the sun is coming up early, making it all light when most people still sleep. When the clock is turned, it seems that the sun is coming up later, which means that in the morning it is a little longer dark and in the evening longer light. The summer time has therefore been created in 1916 with the aim of saving energy. This utility has now been controversial with current energy consumption. Countries around the equator do not have daylight saving time and winter time, because it has no use there. Also large countries like China and Japan have not introduced daylight saving time. In America and Australia, not every region is involved, and so it depends on where you live or there is a summer time. In the Netherlands we did not have a summer time in the period 1945 to 1977, because of the oil crisis The daylight saving time was again introduced. Germany was the first country to enter summer time to save coal in wartime. Other countries soon followed. Summer time goes on the night from Saturday to Sunday at 02:00, then one sets the clock to 03:00.