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What is Eddystone?

Eddystone is a beacon standard

Eddystone is Google's response to Apple's iBeacons. A big difference with iBeacons is that the code of Eddystone is open Source: This means that it can be deployed on multiple platforms. Eddystone is a platform that allows devices with BLE to communicate with each other. Google itself does not want to create hardware, but it does indicate that it sees possibilities: for example, in Google Maps to show real-time messages in case of a delay. Beaco Read More

What does NFC mean?

NFC means Near Field Communication

NFC is a wireless technology that should enable electronics to communicate with each other. This happens on a radio frequency that allows mobile phones, digital cameras, etc. Can communicate with each other over a distance of approximately 20 cm (at a rate of 212 kilobits per second). Both Philips and Sony also have smart cards with microprocessor that are intended for storing identification data or financiëe information. Read More