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What does PoE mean?

POE means Power over Ethernet

PoE is a technology to deliver voltage (and data) over a standard twisted pair cable in an Ethernet network. This technique is used to provide network equipment (think of webcams, switches, VoIP phones, etc.) with power. There is a limited power to a network cable, so for large consumers as a computer or server, PoE is not suitable. Read More

What does NFC mean?

NFC means Near Field Communication

NFC is a wireless technology that should enable electronics to communicate with each other. This happens on a radio frequency that allows mobile phones, digital cameras, etc. Can communicate with each other over a distance of approximately 20 cm (at a rate of 212 kilobits per second). Both Philips and Sony also have smart cards with microprocessor that are intended for storing identification data or financiëe information. Read More

What does domotics mean?

Domotics is technology integration in the home

Domotics is a word originating from Domus (house) and TICA (a derivative of informatics, telematics and robotics). It is the integration of technology (and services) for a better quality of living and living. So it is not only the technique, but also the service from outside the home. Domotics is most commonly used in kitchens and bathrooms and usually aim to increase comfort and ensure safety. Often these are alarm systems that are in contact with police or firefighters, or it is a way to use 1 (remote) control to do the lighting in the attic, or to allow the bath to run full.

What does TCD mean?

TCD means Telecommerce days

The TCD is every year sometime in late April and actually consists of the following three events:

  • Home Shop Tradeshow
  • Customer Contact Trade Fair
  • Dialogue Marketing Trade Fair

It is a trade fair (the largest in the Benelux) in various areas that are all related to telecom. An impression of TCD 2009