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What does Misco mean?

Misco means micro Computers supplies Company

Misco is a large provider of computer hardware and software, home entertainment, telecommunication and other similar articles. Since 1985, Misco has been a supplier for both the business market and the consumer market (for 2004 under the name 06 software). Misco is part of the global Systemax (with a turnover of $2 billion). For more information or an order, go to

What does BYOD mean?

BYOD means Bring Your Own Device

You used to have better stuff (computers, phones) than at home, since gadgets are so popular and accessible that it is increasingly common for people to have better (newer) stuff at home than at work. This is why BYOD is starting to become popular, and there are already companies that make a policy of making people take their own belongings. If someone with his own stuff works better or faster, then a boss often has no problems with people taking their own stuff, however it is often difficult to compensate financially for the electronics that people take with them. Read More

What is a gadget?

A gadget is a thing

A gadget (a thing, Gizmo) is an article that is innovative and often cleverly designed. Often a gadget is a consumer electronics product (but it doesn't have to be). The technology or design is innovative, so a trendsetter likes to buy it. Often a gadget is also purchased as a status symbol. A gadget is especially interesting at the beginning (and even then it is more frequent for the entertainment purchased, and not so much for its functionality), later there are too many people who have it too, and it is not interesting anymore to have (or to show off). A gadget is often purchased online, in a special gadget or gift shop.

What does GPS mean?

GPS means Global positioning System

GPS is developed by the U.S. Army. It is a system of satellites in permanent orbits around the Earth. Every spot on Earth always sees at least 3 satellites, which are also needed to be able to do a positioning. This is done by means of radio waves and the fact that the position of the satellites is known. Read More