RMN is the cleaning company of the municipalities of Nieuwegein, Soest and Zeist and works mainly for the inhabitants of those municipalities. RMN arrives weekly in these municipalities by retrieving on household waste. More information about the work can be found on the website of RMN.
The AFM is an (independent) supervisor on the financial markets (you have to think about saving, borrowing (including mortgages), investing and insuring). The AFM's aim is to strengthen the confidence of consumers and companies in the financial markets (both nationally and internationally). A company must inform its customer well about the Financië services and products they offer. The AFM makes sure that everyone observes the laws that apply. The AFM supervises the following three areas:
Financial Dienstverle ningPersonen and companies engaged in financial services must be knowledgeable, but also reliable and honest. The information that is provided must be understandable and not misleading. Service providers must act in the interests of their customers, which we call the duty of care.
Capital market s The AFM maintains the rules applicable to people and companies active in the stock market (and other securities). Listed companies need to release price-sensitive information on time, the AFM verifies this, and looks at whether or not there is any misleading information or that people are using insider knowledge.
Consumer s too can act with insider information, the AFM also admits (this is often the case for employees of listed companies who have more than the outside world.
More information can be found on the website of the AFM.
Using Cydia, you can search and download applications on your iPhone (or IPod Touch). Your iPhone needs to be jailbreaked, otherwise you can’t install Cydia. The creator of Cydia is Jay Freeman, and is named after an insect that eats apples. Read More
DHL are the initials of the three founders (Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hill Blom and Robert Lynn), who founded the company DHL in 1969. Worldwide, DHL is the leader for International express delivery (by land, air and ocean). It started with the delivery of documents (from San Francisco to Honolulu) and the main advantage was that the customs formalities were handled before the ship reached the port. The DHL network continued to grow and nowadays employs nearly 300,000 people worldwide, the 250 aircraft and more than 75,000 vehicles are available. In the Netherlands, the Deutsche Post DHL is the owner of DHL.
With FTP, files can be transported from one computer to another. For example, FTP software sends Web sites to a server, and FTP is often used to send large files (which do not allow email due to size). FTP has been in existence since 1971 and has become the standard for sending files quite quickly. Like most Internet protocols, FTP is also based on client-server model: The client contacts a server (FTP uses TCP port 21 by default). After approval from both sides, the transfer of files can begin. Some FTP server allow anonymous access, but for most you need a user name and password.
BFF is mainly used by young girls to indicate that they are friends with someone. It is an English abbreviation used in the online world (MSN, chat rooms, Twitter, etc.) and SMS messages. Often, BFF is used as a closing, greeting a message.
The AVS is a trade union and interest Association for all executives in fundamental education (from Deputy Director and Middenmanager to director). The AVS has over 5000 members who are represented by a member board and a board. A number of employees are active daily. The AVS is open to all directions in basic and special education. More information can be found on the website.
The medical term for hay fever is pollinosis and is one of the most common allergies. People who have hay fever are hypersensitive to pollen (pollen granules) and get inflammation of the mucous membranes, which mainly takes place in the nose. The name is a bit weird, because it has nothing to do with hay and/or fever. It involves pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. The Willow and Hazel give problems in February-March, the birch in April-May and weeds from April to September. For grasses money usually the period from mid May to mid September. Symptoms are watery eyes, sneezing, itchy eyes and palate. Some people are also suffering from headaches and coughs. The mucous membranes in the nose can swell causing a runny nose to emerge. There are tests available (drugstore and GP) that can indicate for which pollen you are allergic. Intensity and reaction are different per person, but the weather also has an influence: in warm and dry weather, the pollen is easier to breathe through the air, which causes more people to suffer.
Children do not suffer from hay fever so often, but they usually start the phenomena for the 25th year of life. Hay fever cannot be cured, but there are possibilities to fight the symptoms. Often, antihistamines are prescribed, which causes the itching and swelling to occur. In severe reactions, anti-inflammatory medications can be prescribed (so-called corticosteroids ¯ den). However, this may have adverse side effects, so only limited use should be made.
On the Flickr site you can upload and share your photos with the rest of the world. Flickr has been operating since 2004 (started as a small private project) and beginning 2005 acquired by Yahoo. You can upload photos via the website, but also via e-mail or mobile phone. Flickr is by far the most popular website for digital photos. There is a free version (100MB of photos per month) or a pro account without limits. Read More
People who suffer from sleep apnea have periods of respiratory arrest during sleep. Everyone sometimes has sleep apneas in his sleep, but one speaks of a slaapapneusyndroom (SAS) when it occurs more often than 5 times per hour. The brain gives a signal to wake up (often with a shock) and then the breathing continues again.
There are two types of apnea:
Muscles that relax, causing the tongue in the throat to block breathing: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (EPHRIM)
Brains that give too few respiratory stimuli: Center sleep apnea syndrome (CSAS)
The estimation is that in the Netherlands some 50,000 people suffer from sleep apnea, less than half of which is under treatment. It is assumed that apnea is hereditary, but this does not mean that you already have it as a child, often it is only later in life (assumption is that this is due to overweight and muscle sagging).
If you have respiratory arrests, you don't want to immediately say that you are suffering from sleep apnea, often you will also suffer from:
Morning headache (due to lack of oxygen during REM sleep
Hard snoring (from the level that the neighbors can hear
Dry mouth (by breathing through the mouth)
Stifling feeling (coming up gastric acid)
Frequent urination at night (your body remains active, so urine production does not decrease)
Irregular heartbeat (lack of oxygen)
Daytime sleepiness (by the rest not getting overnight)
Night sweats (especially around shoulders and neck)