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What does Q fever mean?

Q fever is an infectious disease

Q fever is a disease that can pass from animals to humans. Most people run Q fever by inhaling air where the bacterium occupants. This occurs mainly in the period from February to May (Lamb period of goats and sheep). The phenomena are very similar to those of flu (headache, chills, muscular pain, nausea). In Some cases there is a low heart rate and chest pain, and sometimes there are inflamed cardiac valves. The incubation period is 2 to 3 weeks, and the Q fever cannot be transferred from human to human. Pregnant women are more susceptible to contamination, and veterinarians, livestock keepers and slaughterhouse staff are among the risk groups. The RIVM will take measures and conduct research on a suspicion of Q fever. For more information go to the government website about Q-fever.

Q-Fever Item of network

What is a gadget?

A gadget is a thing

A gadget (a thing, Gizmo) is an article that is innovative and often cleverly designed. Often a gadget is a consumer electronics product (but it doesn't have to be). The technology or design is innovative, so a trendsetter likes to buy it. Often a gadget is also purchased as a status symbol. A gadget is especially interesting at the beginning (and even then it is more frequent for the entertainment purchased, and not so much for its functionality), later there are too many people who have it too, and it is not interesting anymore to have (or to show off). A gadget is often purchased online, in a special gadget or gift shop.

What is a gadget?

A gadget is a thing

A gadget (a thing, Gizmo) is an article that is innovative and often cleverly designed. Often a gadget is a consumer electronics product (but it doesn't have to be). The technology or design is innovative, so a trendsetter likes to buy it. Often a gadget is also purchased as a status symbol. A gadget is especially interesting at the beginning (and even then it is more frequent for the entertainment purchased, and not so much for its functionality), later there are too many people who have it too, and it is not interesting anymore to have (or to show off). A gadget is often purchased online, in a special gadget or gift shop.

What does OOP mean?

OOP means education support staff

There are many professions that fall under OOP, and therefore there is also a professional group/professional association OOP with its own website to provide more information about this. If you work in education (Klassenassistent, Leraarondersteuner, supervisor, etc.) then you fall under OOP. There is often a discussion about the teacher's profession, but the support professions and functions tend to be a child.

OOP means Object Oriented Programming

Another meaning of OOP is the English abbreviation for Objectgeorià «Oriented programming (also called OO programming). With OO programming one is trying to create a system that is made up of objects. In this way it is easy to reuse pieces of code with a slightly different effect, by giving specific parameters.

What does WC mean?

Toilet means water closet

A toilet (also called a toilet) is intended for rinsing urine and stool. A toilet has a toilet bowl on which one sits down (while urinating most men usually remain). What's higher is a water reservoir that is used for rinsing away everything. After rinsing, the reservoir is automatically filled again. After this, the wastewater passes through the sewer to a water purification plant. Before this modern toilet was used, there was usually a small house that was above a ditch or cesspool. Further back in time, the stool was collected in a pot, and before that it was just done on the streets.

What does UEFA mean?

UEFA means Union of European Football associations

UEFA is the organisation representing the national football Associations of the European countries. It organizes the various club competitions (Champions League, UEFA Cup) and also manages the media rights and the prize money of these competitions. The UEFA is part of FIFA, and is the most important if you look at influence and money. Most top football players in the world play in a European competition (due to high salaries and rich football history). The UEFA was founded in Switzerland in 1954 and started with 25 football associations, today there are 53 unions.


What does DHCP mean?

DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHCP is a protocol that issues IP addresses, it is designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The goal was to provide a robust (dynamic) IP address assignment. DHCP provides automatic configuration of an IP address and often also provides DNS Sereradressen. The DHCP server ensures that no duplicate IP addresses are used within the network. An important goal of DHCP is to reduce the management work in an IP network (for example, an ADSL network).

What does HRM mean?

HRM means human resource management

HRM is actually just a term used for personnel management, human resources, human resources. When you translate HRM you come to ' management of human production resources '. HRM is constantly focusing on staff, hours of registration, absence registration, leave registration, salary, and general information provision. Nowadays there are many online systems to carry out HRM tasks, one often speaks about ECHR.

What does Wakoopa mean?

Wakoopa is a software maintainer

Wakoopa is a piece of software that you install on your computer (Windows or MAC) and then keep track of what programs you use and for how long. It also keeps track of which Web applications you visit (mail, view documents, read news, etc.). The idea is to know a lot about different software, so that one can recommend based on your own behavior, other software. See the website for more information. Read More

What does HP mean?

HP means Hewlett-Packard

HP is a global technology company that provides services and solutions for their customers. HP ensures that their customers get a simpler and more valuable life by making the job easier and better. HP works for both consumers and businesses, and makes small handhelds as well as large supercomputers. Not only does HP provide the customer with hardware, but they are also a software and consultancy maker. HP was founded by Messrs. Hewlett and Packard, then still pure creators of scientific instruments. HP is known to the consumer for their printers (Deskjet, Laserjet), Computers (Presario, ProLiant, Pavilion) and PDA, S (iPaq). More information can be found on the website.