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What does FIOD mean?

Fiod means tax intelligence and investigation service

The FIOD is a search service of the tax authorities and is working to combat tax, economic and goods fraud. In addition, it combats organised crime and guarantees the integrity of the financiëe system. Combating fraud is not only financially important, but also socially: it is a signal to society that fraud is being tackled. Free trade within the EU ensures that fraud is not tied to national boundaries, the FIOD also works with foreign investigation services. The FIOD is part of the rijksbelasting service, together with the ECD (Economic Control Service). Employees of the FIOD are general investigators and are therefore competent to detect all offences. Detectives of the FIOD are empowered to carry a service weapon, handcuffs and pepper spray. The FIOD also deals with the detection of copyright infringement. The FIOD employs more than 1000 people in different locations throughout the country.

FIOD chases bankruptcy fraudsters [YouTube] pKWBYhtBJU0 [/youtube]

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