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What does OSCE mean?

OSCE means organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe

The OSCE is an organisation that seeks to promote cooperation between the 35 Member States in the military, economic and humanitarian fields. The international name for the organization is the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). The headquarters of the OSCE is in Vienna, but there are also offices in The Hague, Prague, Copenhagen, Warsaw and Geneva. In 2003, the OSCE Council of Ministers was chaired by the Netherlands. The OSCE is mainly trying to use preventive diplomacy to prevent conflicts. Following a conflict, the OSCE provides assistance in building democracy and the rule of law or the return of refugees. The commitments made by OSCE member States are, above all, politically binding (and not legally binding): This does not mean that the agreements will be set aside faster.

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