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What is Gsuite?

Gsuite (g-suite, g suite) was previously called Google Apps for Work and is a bundle of software that you can use. It is a SaaS product with different (cloud-based) productivity tools and tools to collaborate within your business.

You can get a subscription, but most tools are also available for free, like you might actually use Gmail or GoogleDocs. With the monthly subscription you can have that linked to your own domain name and have more drive space available for example.

Recently it got renamed again, and now it is called Google Workplace.

Defining the Importance of User-Focused Optimization in 2020

User intent is the key to surviving the world of search engine optimization (SEO) this year. Many people wanted to focus on user intent before, but could not quite deliver. Things, however, changed when Google brought Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) into the picture. Now, it’s not just about how a user might search, but what drives the user to search.

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What is Duckduckgo?

DuckDuckGo is a search engine

DuckDuckGo is a search engine like Bing and Google. The special thing about DuckDuckGo is that they are known for respecting privacy and transparency. You can search on DuckDuckGo completely anonymously without any data of you being recorded. Also, all data from DuckDuckGo is publicly available.

DuckDuckGo is a niche search engine that not many people know. It is noteworthy that the search engine does show a stable annual growth rate. Recently, DuckDuckGo had a milestone of 14 million searches accomplished in a day.

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What is a VR glasses?

A VR glasses is a virtualrealitybril

Virtual reality has been around 50 years, but recently the VR glasses are on the rise and virtual reality is really in a rapid pace. It started about 50 years ago all with training pilots, the trainings were basic but served their purpose well. Meanwhile, these trainings are much further developed and the pilots are really delusional in a virtual world. When in 2014 the Oculus Rift VR glasses was launched was the fence of the dam and unleashing itself a revolution. Read More

What is Eddystone?

Eddystone is a beacon standard

Eddystone is Google's response to Apple's iBeacons. A big difference with iBeacons is that the code of Eddystone is open Source: This means that it can be deployed on multiple platforms. Eddystone is a platform that allows devices with BLE to communicate with each other. Google itself does not want to create hardware, but it does indicate that it sees possibilities: for example, in Google Maps to show real-time messages in case of a delay. Beaco Read More