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Keeping Your Cool: Effective Tips on Handling Customer Complaints

As the adage goes, “the customer is always right.” Without them, no one will patronize your business. If no one patronizes your business, there will be no profit for your business, so you might as well close your business after all. That is why companies, especially the big ones, turn to Philippine customer service outsourcing to help them deal with customer concerns whenever and wherever they are.

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Defining the Importance of User-Focused Optimization in 2020

User intent is the key to surviving the world of search engine optimization (SEO) this year. Many people wanted to focus on user intent before, but could not quite deliver. Things, however, changed when Google brought Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) into the picture. Now, it’s not just about how a user might search, but what drives the user to search.

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Improving the Productivity of Your Offshore Employees

A business needs to spend 40% more on in-house employees. You’ll have to pay for insurance contributions, higher hourly rates, rental fees, computers, and other benefits. That’s the reason many businesses are looking at offshore teams or people from other countries willing to work online. Although managing offshore teams is not easy, the challenges are worth the savings.

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