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What does CPV mean?

CPV stands for Cost per View, this is an amount per ad viewed. This term is almost not used, usually a CPM is spoken. The fact that a user has seen the ad is not sure to say, it is shown on the screen, but whether the user has noticed it is not known. It is a term used in the (online) advertising world. Other ad forms are: CPC, CPM, CPL, CPA, CPS.

What does CPC mean?

CPC means Cost Per Click

CPC is the amount that must be paid at a time when a visitor clicks the ad. It is a term used in the (online) advertising world. This form of advertising is susceptible to fraud because the webmaster of a site can click on it. Ad networks and advertisers are doing a lot to filter out such fraudulent clicks. Other ad forms are: CPM, CPL, CPV, CPA, CPS.

What is Affiliate marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a marketing method

Affiliate Marketing is a marketing method to pay online for a lead or a sale that is done. The advertised (seller of a product or service) thus pays the publisher if a sale is realised by the website. The advantage is on both sides, for the Advertiser there is a sold product while that might otherwise not be so, and for the placer of the advertisement there is a fixed company or percentage of the sale agreed. Many of these ads run through affiliate marketing Parties (kind of intermediate between the two parties) that regulate everything. Many well-known parties include: TradeDoubler or

What is Affiliate marketing? YouTube KIptWJiOs00 [/youtube]

What is Tweetdeck?

Tweetdeck is a Twitter client

Tweetdeck is a free piece of software to keep your Twitterberichten on the desktop. Very useful is the possibility to divide your followers into groups. It is also useful to see the @replies quickly, see what is currently hot on Twitter. Tweetdeck uses Adobe Air and is therefore available for multiple platforms. Tweetdeck is here to download.

How To Use TweetDeck for easy Twitter Management

How to use Tweetdeck [YouTube] GdrQIZ419ys [/youtube]