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What does Hashtag mean?

Hashtag is a identifier

A hashtag is a way to catagoriseren messages on Twitter. Much is used at events/conferences to make all messages about an event easy to find. This is also frequently used in news items (#schipholcrash). A hashtag is a hash (#) with the tag behind it. It descends from IRC where you can access a certain channel with a #. The hashtag is already very well established in everyday life and is used everywhere. Read More

What does KLM mean?

KLM means Royal Aviation Company

KLM is the national airline company of the Netherlands and Schiphol is the home port of KLM. Since a merger in 2004, KLM has been working closely with Air France, under the holding Air France KLM. In turnover, the air FRANCE KLM Group is the largest airline combination in the world and is in second place in air transport.

The integration is slowly but surely and is perhaps one of the few, successful international mergers (compared to other companies that have been taken over by foreign Firmaâ € ™ s).

A Tribute to KLM

What does ECB mean?

ECB stands for European Central Bank

The ECB is the central bank for the European single currency, the euro. The main objective of the ECB is to maintain the purchasing power of the euro and thus price stability in the euro area. The euro area comprises the 16 European Union countries that have introduced the euro since 1999.

ECB Propaganda movie on price stability

What does TNSDC mean?

TNSDC means The Not So Daily Crap and is a website with links to funny, new, interesting websites. In 1997 It started as an ' e-mail newsletter ' and later became an online magazine. Currently it is more of a link dump site, with little text, but nice links, games, gadgets, news, and also some NSFW material. More information can be read here, or go here to the website.

What does P2P mean?

P2P comes from the English peer to peer, in which peer stands for pair, equal. Which could be translated as communication between equals. It is a way for distributing files over the Internet by sharing them with other users. With P2P, the downloader is also the uploader, all the files that they have in whole or in part, are shared with the other users alike. Read More

What does TBS mean?

TBS means posting

TBS is the abbreviation of posting (previously this was TBR: provision of government). TBS is a measure that the court can impose on a suspect of a crime, which has a minimum of four years ' imprisonment or some specifically mentioned offences (for example, threat and stalking). The condition is that the judge is convinced that the defendant was suffering from a lack of development or morbid impairment of the mind at the time of the offence. Read More