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What does VOD mean?

VOD means Video On Demand

Video on demand is in Dutch just video on request: It is actually a network service that allows the user to display a video at the moment he or she wants to. Often interactive television also offers a lot of video on demand. There are two types of video on demand to distinguish: the kind of downloading a video, and so you have to wait until the entire download is finished before you can watch and the kind you can watch the movie directly. Usually it is also possible to pause the video, flush it or stop the video and watch it again later. When you order a video via VOD you can usually watch the video for a limited time: you buy the right to watch for a limited time. Examples of VOD include MeJane and Netflix (though that's more Subscription video on demand: Unlimited video on Demand for a fixed price per month.

What is Z-wave?

Z-Wave is a wireless protocol

Z-Wave is the name of a wireless signal used for communication between a base station and other devices. Z-Wave is a protocol used for various IOT devices. The protocol was developed by a Danish company (Zen-Sys) and is now an open standard. Z-Wave uses a low frequency, which has the advantage that it goes better through walls and obstacles than Wi-Fi or Zigbee. A problem with Z-wave is that not every country has received the same frequency, so a US Z-wave product will not work in Europe. So you can't just order a Z-wave product online without taking it into account. Each Z-wave switch/sensor/controller has an antenna (external or internal), so at a bad range it is often possible to use an extender to boost the signal. Z-Wave is also a mesh network: With this network it is therefore possible that Z-wave modules not only with the controller but also among themselves. It is easy to add new Z-Wave products, and you do not need any professional installation or special wiring which often makes other systems expensive. For more information or purchase Z-wave products, take a look at Momotica Ht Read More

What does LoRa mean?

LoRa means Long Range Low Power

The LoRa protocol (or actually LoRaWAN) is a protocol for mobile networks specifically designed to meet the high demands of the Internet of Things. A LoRa network is designed to allow small energy-efficient devices to talk to each other. Through LoRa transmitters It is possible to estimate the location at 10 meters accurately, for example it is possible for parents to follow their children, or to find a stolen bike. Read More

What does PoE mean?

POE means Power over Ethernet

PoE is a technology to deliver voltage (and data) over a standard twisted pair cable in an Ethernet network. This technique is used to provide network equipment (think of webcams, switches, VoIP phones, etc.) with power. There is a limited power to a network cable, so for large consumers as a computer or server, PoE is not suitable. Read More

What is Chromecast?

Chromecast is a HDMI stick

The Chromecast is a product of Google, and is a small dongle that needs to be plugged into an HDMI socket on your television. Then you can use your tablet, smartphone or laptop to determine what is being played on the television. The Chromecast seems to be a USB stick (it also has a USB connection to power the device) and connects to a network via WiFi. Meanwhile, there are a number of applications where it is possible to send the content to the Chromecast. The Chromecast then extracts itself the video or photo material via internet WiFi. It is not the case that the content of your phone is streamed to the television. The device has been available since the end of July 2013 (in the Netherlands only from October) and costs 35 to 40 euro. The primary goal of the Chromecast is to play video, music and photos. Meanwhile, there is also a Chromecast-Ultra available that can be used with 4k quality images. For more information please check out Product guide Chromecast. Read More