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Debunking Fashion Ideas to Help You Upgrade Your Wardrobe

It’s the perfect time of the year to spruce up your wardrobe and cop new styles for the upcoming year. Before bidding the year farewell, you can also take this time to say goodbye to your old clothes that don’t serve your style anymore.

Before going on a shopping spree, you have to disprove some fashion tips that you might have been following for a long time. To start finding the type of fashion that brings out your inner style, here are some guides for you to follow.

Widen Your Categories

Like with age, fashion is a way to express yourself, making it fluid and unyielding to gender norms. The world is finally in the day and age where no one’s going to give you trouble for choosing clothes that don’t conform to your assigned gender, and if someone does, many people are quick to come to your rescue.

With that in mind, you have the liberty of trying nonbinary fashion. You can broaden your selections from feminine to masculine clothes and rock different looks according to your mood.

Oversized Does Not Equal Stylish

There’s a charm surrounding oversized garments. It primarily builds on the cozy and cute appeal. However, sadly it’s not for everyone.

Instead of opting to wear large sartorial styles that can be ill-fitting and make you uncomfortable, it’s better to dress in pieces that fit you at the right places and accentuate your curves and lines.

Don’t Rely on Stripes, Learn Balance Instead

There’s a universally known fashion tip that wearing clothes with vertical stripes can make you look thinner and taller than you are. There is some truth in that. But rather than use outdated hacks, you can rely on your creativity to make you look more stylish.

Learning how to balance pieces is a trick you must know if you’re hoping to upgrade your style. For example, instead of matching tight crop tops and turtlenecks with fitted pants, partner them with wide pants to add a complementing volume to your look.

Belts Aren’t Only for Clothes with Loops

The purpose of belts is mainly to keep pants securely on the waist. However, they can also serve a fashion purpose that will help make your OOTDs look more cohesive.

If you still can’t let go of your oversized clothing, this is your chance to make them stay in your wardrobe. You can use a wide belt to accentuate your waist when you’re wearing an oversized sweater. Using a belt over your coat is another way of making it look like a style straight out of fashion week.

Colorful Isn’t Always Pleasing to the Eye

When wearing an outfit that showcases layers of vibrant colors, you need to have high confidence levels. It’s not easy to rock a look with multiple bright colors that can either be a head-turner or an eyesore.

Donning on several hues at once can be fun. But if you’ve yet to master this fashion technique, it’s best to take your time and experiment with which shades suit you the best. You can start with two-toned pieces and work your way from there.

Keep Basics and Avoid Excessive Shopping

Clothes that come in one piece, like dresses and jumpers, are staples in the closet. But they provide few styling options since the top and bottom parts are inseparable unless you cut and alter them. When giving your wardrobe a makeover, you should keep the basics, like shirts, shorts, and pants. These are what you can mix and match and still look fantastic with other clothes.

It’s also essential to care for your clothes by sending them to trustworthy dry cleaners to keep them in excellent shape. Switching up your basics and re-wearing old clothes can help you revolutionize your style without the added cost.

Bargains Aren’t Always a Steal

It’s easy to get excited over sales and thrift store finds considering the options you’ll have when coordinating an outfit that’s perfect for different engagements. To not let yourself willingly walk into a trap posed by deals, you need to remember that fashion need not be expensive.

Although thrift stores and sales indeed sell clothing at much lower prices, the fact remains that you didn’t get to save; you lost money instead. You can try to give the clothes in your closet a new lease of life by upcycling them into other chic garments so you can refrain from buying pieces there’s no guarantee that you’ll wear. Still, if a purchase is necessary, you can find your style in startup brands that may be as stylish as luxurious ones, sans the cost.

Fashionable clothes only work if you know how to style them properly. With great tips and an on-point fashion sense, you can rock any look may they be from cheap or expensive brands.

How The ‘Digital World’ Changed Our Lives Forever

We’re all well aware that technology has changed our lives in ways we can only imagine. And it keeps evolving every year. Some changes are pretty obvious, like smartphones and how social media took over our daily lives.
However, some changes are not easy to spot. Did you know that technology has affected us too much that it even transformed our ways of communication, entertainment expectations, and education? Let’s discuss how the digital world changed our lives.

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The Types of Commutes That Make People Happiest

Public transportation has a significant impact on people’s lives. It allows individuals to travel from one place to another. This makes it easier for them to gain access to employment, education, food, leisure, and other things essential for raising their quality of life.

This is why it’s incredibly crucial that people get excellent services from public transport operators. If public vehicle operators can provide safe and convenient transportation services, people can avoid feeling constantly stressed when commuting. Aside from this, they can avoid scenarios that may affect their health and overall well-being.

Highlighting Singapore’s Efforts in Improving Public Transportation

Countries in different parts of the world have various problems with their public transportation services. Government agencies and private sectors managing public vehicles are constantly receiving rants and criticisms from daily commuters. This especially happens when public transportation operators don’t fix problem areas in their organizations.

Good thing, in Singapore, SMRT Corporation Ltd. continuously strives to improve its public transportation services. They are focusing their efforts on ensuring that their services will provide huge benefits for people, especially public commuters.

SMRT Chairman Seah Moon Ming even decided to let go of his position as a CEO of an oil and gas company to focus on managing SMRT Corporation Ltd. This only shows that he wants to ensure that SMRT can provide convenience and satisfaction to millions of passengers in the country. With this mindset, public transport operators can help people enjoy their daily commutes.

Excellent Factors that Bring Satisfaction to Public Commuters

Fixing problems in public transportation services may seem difficult. However, as long as operators know where to place their focus, they can provide better services to commuters. Here are some of the common factors that significantly impact commuters’ satisfaction with public transportation services:

  • Waiting time—People often start their day with a daily schedule in mind. This means their routine is usually built to ensure they can accomplish all their tasks within the day. This includes waiting for public transport vehicles to take them to their destination. If the waiting time is too long, they often end up having to make considerable adjustments to their schedule. Sometimes, they even end up crossing out some activities on their to-do list because they can’t do it anymore because of the delayed arrival of public transportation. However, if the vehicles arrive on time, commuters don’t have to change their schedules. Also, they can avoid feeling stressed and irritable because the situation remains favorable to them.
  • Accessibility—Another critical factor that helps improve commuters’ lives is when public transportation is accessible. This means, regardless of the location, people expect that public vehicles can give them a ride. If not, they still need to spend a lot of time looking for loading bays, stations, or terminals. However, if public transportation services can be easily accessed anywhere, people won’t need to exhaust themselves in looking for available vehicles to ride.
  • Travel time—It’s also important that public transportation can reduce the travel time consumed by commuters. Most of the time, people prefer to avoid getting caught up in heavy traffic situations because this may extend their travel time. Thus, it would be excellent if they have multiple options for transportation. If they don’t want to take a taxi or a bus, they can try the Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT) service.
  • Safety and security—Commuters are also concerned about their safety and security. While they are on the road, they sometimes worry about accidents and other untoward events. Thus, it’s a huge deal for them if public transportation operators can ensure that their vehicles are safe and secured. It also helps if drivers or operators are professionally trained to minimize risks of accidents and other unfortunate events. For instance, they can conduct regular vehicle repair and maintenance tasks. This way, they can expect that the vehicle will run smoothly without any issues.
  • Customer service—Some commuters, especially those not familiar with certain areas, need help with learning the best ways to commute. Sometimes, they expect operators to assist them in successfully going from one place to another. Thus, public transportation service providers also need to provide excellent customer services. This way, people won’t feel confused or lost whenever they need commuting information and assistance.

If public transportation service operators continue to provide excellent services, more and more commuters will be satisfied with their performance. With this, they can help build a better community where people will no longer need to feel constantly stressed and anxious whenever they need to commute. Instead, they can continue looking forward to their daily commutes, expecting that they can enjoy another day of traveling to places.

Photo by Euan Cameron on Unsplash

Sales Funnel Simplified: Understanding Every Customer’s Journey

If you’re looking for digital marketing tips, then the Internet won’t disappoint you. It’s a treasure trove of suggestions like “create a buyer persona,” “publish a blog,” “get active on social media,” etc.

But there’s only one tip that reigns supreme: understand your customer’s journey. And with that, you need to learn about the sales funnel.

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